❤: 12/4

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Enjoy the little things in life, because someday you’ll look back and realise they were the big things (The Vow)

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?: 16/2

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Wees dankbaar voor de kleine dingen, de grote dingen en alles daartussenin…

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?: 10/1

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“If I catch myself being frustrated, or angry or pissed of, I’m just like…
Take a deep breath,
look around,
I have nothing to be upset about,
Appreciating what you have is the first principle of happiness”
– Casey Neistat 

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?: 6/12

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Geluk zit in de kleine dingen… Bewust stilstaan bij al deze kleine dingen maakt gelukkig.

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?: 8/11

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So far autumn has been treating us.. at least, me.

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